
Press Releases

Eye Donation

Synopsis:Aditya Foundation organised a EYE DONATION PLEDGE Program "HOPE IN SIGHT" Donate your eyes and light up someones lives and Felicitation of Donors at max hospital , Delhi. Mrs. Roshni explained One cornea can help 2 people and the detailed procedure for connecting Roshni immediately after the sad demise in family. We felicitated donors by giving away certificates and thanking message frames. Thanks to Bhawna for taking initiative in pledge of eye donation.

Free Heart in Hole Operation

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation is blessed to be able to help a family in need and our 2nd case from Jan 1 ,2024 who is going to go for free Heart in Hole operation this Sunday to Banka. There is a hole in the heart of Sima Singh, an eight year old daughter of sanjay Singh, a resident of Banka village of Banka Panchayat of the districts Hatrash block. The child was identified by Mr satish Aditya Foundation and with help of our MK Mishra.

Vocational Training

Synopsis: Our club has sponsored Training and KIT withninstruments for 2 Girls from low income familie for a 3 month certification course on `Beauty therapy and hair styling’, at sophiya Lounge Academy, centre and sophiya Lounge. They shall be getting Training kit with instruments during the course along with faculty’s from outside also to train them for this Training and this will go a long way in making girls self-reliant.

Ration Distribution

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation envisions expanding its ration distribution program to reach even more villages. The organization's broader goals include holistic community development, addressing education, healthcare, and other essential needs. Aditya Foundation's cause by making donations or volunteering their time. Every small effort counts, and collective support can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need.

Sahaayta Clinic

Synopsis: Rural areas face unique challenges when it comes to accessing healthcare. Limited resources, lack of infrastructure, and poor economic conditions exacerbate health issues. Aditya Foundation recognized this disparity and set out to make a difference. Aditya Foundation is running its sahyta clinic at Lakhupura every Sunday . Here patients comes for consultation and we provide free medical services along with medicines and preventive care . Dr K.K Singh and for General consultancy Dr Rubi Singh visited Sahayta clinic .

Donation Of Aquaguard

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation donated Aquaguard Classic + Water Purifier System and 20 nos Steel Water Bottles for drinking along with Rotary Branding. Snacks and Tilkut were also distributed because of cold weather. 28 elderly get benefitted. We spend wonderful time with them and they were all so happy.

Distribution of Blankets

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation distributed Blankets, New clothes for kids and Teenagers, old clothes, towel and Lungi to the villagers of Arjunpur. We visited Village Arjunpur wherein 80 nos of Blankets, towel & Lungi were distributed with help of Abiraa Arts. New clothes were donated by Jaya Joshi of her Boutique to Teenage kids and children. They were very happy and excited to have received new pair of clothes. Thanks to our Donors. The smiles on old people and children brought so much satisfaction and lot of gratitude they showed.

Eye Checkup camp at village

Synopsis: Successful eye checkup camps are a result of collaborative efforts. Aditya Foundation work hand-in-hand with local communities to understand their needs and challenges. This collaborative approach ensures that the camps are tailored to address specific issues prevalent in the region. Eye checkup camps play a crucial role in identifying potential eye issues before they escalate. Regular screenings help in early detection, enabling timely interventions and preventing severe vision impairments.

Wheel Chair Donation

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation donated Wheel Chair to Rankirpal Singh, a 43 year old from Jaitpur. He is paralyzed from both upper and lower body parts and was in dire need of a wheel chair to regain some independence and mobility.

Special Kids Skill Development

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation celebrated Diwali in a very unique way with Special children of Poor Children. It was a great experience and a very touching moment to interact with special children . We together along with school teachers and principal, taught them culinary techniques and fireless cooking by making Coconut Ladoos. They were very happy making the laddoos.

Eye Catract Camp

Synopsis: The Eye Cataract Camp Initiative by Aditya Foundation Trust aims to provide free cataract surgeries, screenings, and post-operative care to impoverished villagers. This noble initiative not only addresses a prevalent health issue but also empowers communities.

Food For Hungry

Synopsis: Hunger is a pressing concern that transcends borders, affecting individuals and communities globally. In this section, we'll delve into the critical role NGOs play in tackling this issue and the importance of creating awareness.Hunger is a pervasive issue affecting millions worldwide, and NGOs play a crucial role in alleviating this crisis.

Sewing Machine Distribution

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation donated 10 sewing machines which was sanctioned as a district grant of 2023-24. 7 females from Kailora division Hatrash resident somya , Kapura Panchayat resident Nancy das , were distributed the Sewing Machines.

Delhi As The Street Children

Synopsis: Aditya Foundation employs various strategies to uplift the lives of street children. From educational initiatives to holistic development approaches, the organization works tirelessly to bring about positive change.

Blood Donation

Synopsis: The year started with our Gratitude Project “DROPS OF HOPE” Saves Life, Blood donation Camp. Raktdan Mahadan. The Camp was organised on 1st feb from 9.00 am to 6pm at Delhi Blood Bank. The donors were felicitated with Proud Donor Badge with, Certificate, juice and snacks. We successfully collected Units of Blood: 90 nos.